Need An Injury Attorney Connecticut – Truck Accident
An accident involving a truck can be one of the dangerous types. The massive size of the truck can cause severe damage to the small vehicles involved in the impact as well as distort the traffic on the road. The amount of property damage the large vehicles can cause is beyond many insurance policies. For those lucky enough to survive a collision with a large truck such as an 18-wheeler, a big-rig, a semi, or a vehicle with a hitch trailer then the recovery can be costly and taxing on the entire victim’s family. When something such as an 18-wheeler flips on the road, it causes a chain reaction of damages to the passing traffic. Other drivers stop short and related auto accidents occur.
Some accidents are just poor circumstances but many times they are the cause of negligence by a driver. This could be due to drug or alcohol abuse, long driving hours, or other driver errors. It could also be the negligence from the trucking company such as equipment defects or malfunctions. If you have been involved in a truck accident then you might be able to gain compensation for your losses. There are mounting medical bills, loss of earnings, and fatigue that are associated with truck accidents. Discussing your situation with a personal injury attorney in Connecticut is the best way to start a claim. A smart lawyer will be able to process the paperwork, extract physical evidence, and communicate with all the parties involved.
A personal injury lawyer is the best tactic to handle the complex situation of discovering how the accident occurred and bringing this to the court’s attention. They can bring the parties responsible for the accident to compensate the victims. When you begin to discuss your situation with an attorney at you will find a helpful and patience hear who can also be a strong voice in the courtroom for your side. They will examine witnesses and work with experienced and trusted accident reconstructionists who can put your case into solid evidence that the court will understand.
If you or a loved one has been involved in a truck accident then you should call the lawyers of at the number below. Even if the truck did not make contact with your car but the truck caused another collision then you may still be entitled to compensation from the truck company and its insurance. The people at want to hear your story. They can take a statement and let you know what to expect in the coming months as they process the paperwork for your claim. This allows you to focus on healing the pain you are in and begin to resume your life before the accident.